Deepen Your Spiritual Practice
There are times in our personal spiritual journey when we long for something more and might notice a longing to learn a new skill or take on a new practice to expand our experience. If you are experiencing this longing, check out the courses available below to see if one of them calls to you.

Hestia & Vesta Devotion Course

This course is designed for those who are drawn to learn about and work more closely with the Goddess of the Hearth and Home. Through mythology, ritual, astrology, and energy work you'll learn about yourself and service to others combined with self care. The course includes:
a 29 page e-book on Hestia and Vesta,
a personalized Astrology Reading focusing on areas in your chart that relate to Hestia and the Sacred Flame
Attunement & Certification in a form of Energy Healing called "The Gems of Hestia and Vesta"
Access to a free private facebook group with additional information and likeminded people exploring working with Hestia

Send $5 per month to support my work. You will receive updates every time a public blog post is created and have access to Patreon-Only special offers
Hestia Devotee
Monthly Devotionals to Hestia with Astrology updates. Plus access to all public blog posts and Patreon-Only Special Offers
Apollo & Artemis
Patreon-Only Astrology Teachings and Updates focused on the Sun and Moon. Includes other Planetary Teachings and is designed to be perfect for someone wanting to learn astrology. Includes access to previous tier.
Private Mentorship
A Monthly Mentorship Call that can include an Astrology Reading or Tarot Card Readings. Includes access to all previous tiers.
~ Coming Soon ~
Keep an eye out - an Astrology Basics Class is coming soon!